Explore the Science behind the toys of today and yesteryear!
This STEM-focused incursion is tailored to introduce younger students to the basics of forces, motion, and materials. Through a play-based learning approach, students will explore the historical and scientific principles behind various toys and discuss how toys reflect the changes in the world, showcasing advancements in technology and culture over time.
Wanting to look at toys from a historian lens? Then our Toys Over Time incursion is perfect for you! Click here to find out more.
In groups, students rotate through 4 stations that focus on;
- Materials used in toys: students explore the various materials toys are made from and understand the reasons behind the choice of specific material.
- Movement in toys: students investigate how different toys function and the ways they move during play.
- Toy design: students discover how toys are created and how their design reflects the era in which they were made.
- Toy evolution: students examine how toys have transformed over time, adapting to modern technological advancements.
Scope of Learning
Together we’ll select the learning outcomes that best suit your class and grade level curriculum requirements. Examples include;
- Introduce how science and technology improve the quality and fun of toys
- Explore the history and culture of different toys
- Understand the fundamentals of force and motion, sound and materials
- Identify the basic properties of various materials used to make toys and how they have changed over time.
Click to view important information about our Toy Science program.
Important Information