Free Downloadable Resources
Be inspired! Find a heap of resources for you to download and try out in your classroom.
You’ll find the curriculum links, easy to follow steps, an instructional video and Science explanations all in one place… Our aim is to make your life a little easier!
Cartesian Dive
A clever trick. Why do objects sink and float? Buoyancy will be the focus. Pressure too.
Milk Art
Check out the Science behind this colourful experiment!
Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (born in 1883) was a prize-winning cartoonist and engineer. Of the nearly 50,000 cartoons
he drew, he was best known for the zany contraptions of Professor Butts. These inventions, also known as
Rube Goldberg machines, solved simple tasks in overcomplicated, inefficient and hilarious ways!
To know the six simple machines.
To evaluate the mechanical advantage of simple machines.
To create simple, compound and Rube Goldberg machines.
Wizards Brew
Experimenting with a range of materials and learning about chemical reactions. Everyday ingredients turn into science experiments. Chemical reactions. Baking soda and vinegar.
Density Column
Learn all about liquid density with this colourful experiment!
Insulated Playdough
Get racing using materials from around your classroom!
Magnetic Car
Get racing using materials from around your classroom!
Balloon Rocket
To learn about Newtons third law.
To learn about pressure and thrust.
Hydrophobic Sand
Materials are marvellous things. They all have different properties that serve different purposes, and they
react differently in different situations. Hydrophobic sand is no exception. Let’s explore this material!
To explore the properties of hydrophobic sand and what is meant by ‘phobic’
To discuss other everyday objects that might be hydrophobic or hydrophilic.
Fireworks in a Jar
Learn about mixing materials when you make your very own fireworks!
Shaving Cream Art
When Art meets Science! Get busy with this hands on fun!
Balloon Car
Learn about air pressure and movement with this ‘wheely’ cool project!
Plastic Parachute
It’s time to get flying! Learn about air resistance and materials.
Make a Compass
Make your very own compass following these easy steps!
Is a solid or a liquid? Find out with this fun experiment!
Polymer Snow
There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to polymer snow!
Soap Boat
Send your boat speeding across the water using just dish soap!
Magic Starfish
Learn this awesome magic Science trick!
Conductive Playdough
Make your very own conductive playdough!
Rubber Band Car
Make your own rubber band car using materials from your cupboard.
Playdough Circuit
Who would have thought you can create a circuit… with playdough!
Skittles Rainbow
Create a rainbow of colour with Skittles and water.
Fireproof Balloon
Discover how water inside a balloon can absorb the heat of a flame.
Pressure Car
This is a great hands-on activity for observing how air pressure can push objects.
Dance Games
Get your students up and moving with these dance games!
DIY World Instruments
Make music with your very own instruments!
Make Your Own Globe
Make the world your very own with this easy template.
Make A Chatterbox
Simple origami your students will love!
Push-Pull Puppet
Learn about push and pull in a crafty way!
Snake Puppet
Hisssssss… easy to follow steps to make your own puppet.
Chat GTP Planning Hacks
Stuck on how to use resources in your classroom in different ways?