Engage your learners on Webex, Zoom & Microsoft Classroom - Supreme Incursions
🪩 Get up and moving... Everyone can dance! Check out our NEW silent disco headphones 💃🏽 🕺For hire or book as part of an incursion. Find Out More

Engage your learners on Webex, Zoom & Microsoft Classroom

40,000+ Victorian teachers are seeking innovative ways to engage students whilst teaching through video conferencing software. 

This is NOT an easy task, especially when teamwork or movement tasks are involved. 

Sadly, we have been unable to run incursions for most of term 2 and 3 in Victoria due to these challenging times. After 12 panic ‘business pivots’ around how to maintain an income and keep the company afloat, we realised that we were losing sight of why we do what we do. Our vision. Our purpose. With our heads back in the game, we were once again, focused on our values.

In the last few months, we have been overwhelmed by the abundance of social cries for help, and private emails received from teachers. So we started pooling all of our efforts towards inspiring and supporting time-poor and exhausted teachers.

So far, we have created over 30 free hands-on resources paired with procedural video clips, and we have overhauled every one of our incursions. As virtual learning continues in Victoria, our attention has turned to this one common teacher question; 

‘How can I keep students connected, engaged and challenge them collaboratively and physically? 

Putting our heads together, we have created 4 FREE interactive and fun challenges that you can do virtually with students:

They offer some seriously fun virtual inspiration, all of which you can do very easily with your students. We are proud to say, they have been tried and tested fortnightly within our own team Zoom socials (we know, a tough job right?).

We believe these ideas inspire your teaching and improve student wellbeing. We hope they provide excellent collaborative challenges, and the fun that the children deserve right now.

Please let us know if you have any questions about any of our activities, or if you need help with something else teaching related. We have been with you from the start and we are still here for you. Mel, Ryan and the Supreme Team

Want more resources and ideas like these?Join our mailing list by filling out the form below to receive free hands-on resources and curriculum support.


Available in: ACT, NSW, VIC

Ready, Set, Go! Take your students on a race around their home to find objects.

Download FREE resource here: https://bit.ly/2Q8zqFj


Available in: ACT, NSW, VIC

A team activity that encourages communication and problem solving skills by solving cryptic clues to find specific household items!

Download FREE resource here: https://bit.ly/2EdKVsD


Available in: ACT, NSW, VIC

A team activity encouraging communication and problem solving skills to learn whosepersonal fact belongs to whom.

Download FREE resource here: https://bit.ly/3hb9DbB


Available in: ACT, NSW, VIC

A fun all-rounder! Work as a team to pitch an invention that solves a specific problem.

Download FREE resource here: https://bit.ly/3gbfT1J

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