Get ready for an unforgettable carnival experience!
The excitement begins as soon as our teachers arrive! With 60 minutes packed with lively music, friendly competition, colorful costumes, and oversized games, fun is guaranteed for everyone!
Your children will enjoy three rotations featuring activities like juggling, hula hooping, creating human pyramids, giant bean bag toss, and parachute games. There will be both team challenges and solo challenges to master, ensuring that every child can showcase their skills and teamwork. Let the carnival festivities begin!
Students move through 3 rotations:
- Circus Skills Showcase: Students shine as individuals while practicing circus skills, dressing up and using items like juggling clubs, yo-yos, click clacks, and spinning tops.
- Team Challenges: In small groups or pairs, students tackle various challenges with activities like ball drops, bean bag toss, and ring toss.
- Parachute Games: This teamwork game has everyone collaborating to throw a balls into the air using a parachute, learning to coordinate efforts to keep the balls aloft.
Click to view important information about our Greatest Showman program.
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